Address: Hicks Airfield (T67), Fort Worth, Texas

45 Years of Industry Experience

Quality Multi-Engine Training at a Superior Price

(817) 366-9476

Fort Worth Multi-Engine


Preparation for this rating begins with our pre-arrival package that introduces you to the BE-76 Duchess and the fundamentals of safely flying multi-engine aircraft. After studying several other school's thoughts and techniques, we wrote our own syllabus from scratch, adding important, professional elements that are not included in any other course.


Our syllabus consists of four, two-hour flights with an experienced instructor and professional airline pilot who has over 25,000 of hours flying multi-engine aircraft. This syllabus includes a Flight Review and, if you’re instrument rated, an Instrument Proficiency Check. The rate is $450/hour, and only when the Hobbs is running. We DO NOT charge for pre/post flight briefings. Also, we do not take more than one student per day, which means you’ll never be waiting on the Duchess to return, and there will never be another student and instructor waiting for you to bring it back.

You should complete your training in less than 10 hours, including your FAA checkride. 

Approximate total cost: $4,500 (plus examiner’s fee)

The FAA Checkride

Our job is not to prepare you to pass your FAA checkride. Our philosophy is to offer training that will expose you to a solid understanding of the fundamentals of multi-engine operations and make you a safe, proficient and professional multi-engine pilot for your coming career. A proficient multi-engine pilot possess a solid understanding of multi-engine theory, and can easily articulate how to operate these high-performance aircraft as well as fly them safely and efficiently. This is the proficiency level we seek, which will make any checkride seem like a non-event.

The BE-76 Duchess

We chose the Beechcraft Duchess for our training platform because of it's superior handling characteristics and safety record. The BE-76 has counter-rotating propellers, and has been shown to recover from an inadvertent spin. Ours is equipped with dual Garmin G5 displays, the GNS 430WAAS and a Garmin GTX 345 transponder with the Aural Collision Avoidance option.